The White House “Clean Air in Buildings Challenge”: Taking Advantage of Government Funding Initiatives

This blog is part 3 of the Dwyer “White House Clean Air in Buildings Challenge” series:

  • Read part 1 to learn what the challenge is
  • Read part 2 to learn how Dwyer products can be used to achieve improved IAQ

At the heart of the White House “Clean Air in Buildings Challenge” is a call to action to improve indoor air quality; achieved by testing and monitoring current conditions, making a plan for improvements, implementing solutions, and maintaining those solutions. Understanding that some of these improvements can come at a significant cost, depending on the amount of improvements required or the age of a building’s HVAC system, the EPA and the White House have implemented a number of funding options to be used by the American people for the American people.  Continue reading “The White House “Clean Air in Buildings Challenge”: Taking Advantage of Government Funding Initiatives”