Question: What setpoint should I set my differential pressure switch to for indicating when my filter is dirty?
Ask the Expert – Issues with Referencing Outside Air Pressure
Question: I am trying to measure building pressure relative to outside air pressure. However, in doing so, I am seeing fluctuations in the differential pressure readings. Is there any way to minimize or eliminate these fluctuations? Continue reading “Ask the Expert – Issues with Referencing Outside Air Pressure”
Ask the Expert – Flow Switch Installation in a Vertical Pipe
Question: Can the Flotect® Vane-Operated Flow Switch, Series V4, be installed in a vertical pipe run?
Continue reading “Ask the Expert – Flow Switch Installation in a Vertical Pipe”
Ask the Expert – Using Flowmeters with Different Medias
Question: I am looking to use a flowmeter calibrated for air to monitor CO2 flow. Are there any concerns or correction factors I need to apply?
Continue reading “Ask the Expert – Using Flowmeters with Different Medias”
Ask the Expert – Monitoring Air Filters
Question: Is there a kit I can buy with the Magnehelic® Differential Pressure Gage for monitoring air filters, so that I don’t have to buy all the tubing, static pressure tips, and a bracket separately?