Advances in HVAC Test Equipment: The Importance of Diffuser Calibration for Flow Hood Measurements



The objective for this writing is to inform HVAC technicians and contractors about the limitations of testing equipment currently used for testing, adjusting, and balancing HVAC systems. The need for more accurate instruments is immediate as energy programs are moving toward net-zero energy building efficiencies.

In doing so, HVAC technicians and contractors will struggle with tighter specifications as they tune HVAC systems with instruments that fail to provide the required accuracy and versatility. Continue reading “Advances in HVAC Test Equipment: The Importance of Diffuser Calibration for Flow Hood Measurements”

Mystery Solved! Dwyer Solves the Wall Mount- Relative Humidity Error Problem

Wall mount humidity sensors for building automation system (BAS) applications are produced and sold by several different companies and have a reputation of poor accuracy despite specifications from suppliers. There is a rational reason why these instruments appear to read outside of their stated accuracy, which in turn causes users to be frustrated with the results.

Continue reading “Mystery Solved! Dwyer Solves the Wall Mount- Relative Humidity Error Problem”