One of the most important aspects of any business climate is communication. Most organizations do not communicate enough, nor do they necessarily communicate the “right” way. This creates frustration, and affects the overall morale and health of an organization. Some experts say that productivity can be improved by a factor of up to 2.5 times merely by changing to more effective communication techniques. Continue reading “Breathe In, Breathe Out Communication”
Air Velocity and Flow Measurement with Pitot Tubes

Dwyer offers many styles of Pitot tubes. Pitot tubes are commonly used sensors for monitoring air velocity and flow rate in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Some examples include the: Stainless Steel Pitot Tube Series 160, Telescoping Stainless Steel Pitot Tube Series 166T, and “S” Type Stainless Steel Pitot Tube Series 160S.

Pitot tubes are based on Bernoulli’s equation, which states that an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with an increase in dynamic pressure and a decrease in static pressure. Pitot tubes sense the dynamic pressure of the fluid flow at a particular point and were invented by French Engineer Henri Pitot in the early 18th century. Continue reading “Air Velocity and Flow Measurement with Pitot Tubes”
Use of Gold Contact Snap-Action Switches

Many Dwyer Instruments, Inc. switch products have standard snap-action switches. Snap-action switches have a mechanical movement that snaps the contacts together and apart to make or break an electrical circuit.
Silver contact snap switches are very versatile and offer high contact ratings commonly up to 10 or 15 amps when used with 120 volts AC. These switches are often used for control circuits with heavier load requirements such as pumps, motors, fans, and incandescent light bulbs. Continue reading “Use of Gold Contact Snap-Action Switches”
Chilled Beam Systems
The primary goal of HVAC technology is to determine the most effective approach to heat/cool the interior of commercial sized buildings. One of the most effective ways of achieving this goal is through the use of chilled beam systems. Continue reading “Chilled Beam Systems”
Custom Vanes for the V4 Vane Operated Flow Switch
Vane or paddle flow switches are used to initiate high or low flow alarms. A common application is as a low flow alarm for shut-down of a system for protection of the components from damage. Often these are used in cooling lines, oil lines, or monitoring other fluid flows that are critical for the system to operate. Continue reading “Custom Vanes for the V4 Vane Operated Flow Switch”