Understanding the necessary requirements for your product’s enclosure ratings is important, particularly when looking to gain the optimum life from your product while avoiding any safety concerns. Included below is a straight forward easy to understand overview of enclosure ratings, including NEMA types, IP ratings, and the difference between the two. We will be looking at these two common standards for industrial enclosures, what they equate to, some alternatives, and how to best choose the right one for your application. Continue reading “Weatherproof Enclosure Ratings: Speaking the Secret Language of NEMA and IP”
Ask the Expert – Flow Switch Installation in a Vertical Pipe

Question: Can the Flotect® Vane-Operated Flow Switch, Series V4, be installed in a vertical pipe run?
Continue reading “Ask the Expert – Flow Switch Installation in a Vertical Pipe”
Advances in HVAC Test Equipment: The Importance of Diffuser Calibration for Flow Hood Measurements
The objective for this writing is to inform HVAC technicians and contractors about the limitations of testing equipment currently used for testing, adjusting, and balancing HVAC systems. The need for more accurate instruments is immediate as energy programs are moving toward net-zero energy building efficiencies.
In doing so, HVAC technicians and contractors will struggle with tighter specifications as they tune HVAC systems with instruments that fail to provide the required accuracy and versatility. Continue reading “Advances in HVAC Test Equipment: The Importance of Diffuser Calibration for Flow Hood Measurements”
Company Focus- Five Tips to Building a Culture of Innovation
Ask the Expert – Using Flowmeters with Different Medias

Question: I am looking to use a flowmeter calibrated for air to monitor CO2 flow. Are there any concerns or correction factors I need to apply?
Continue reading “Ask the Expert – Using Flowmeters with Different Medias”