Balancing a HVAC System with Multiple Diffuser Types

The Problem

  • Standard air flow hoods do not correct for diffuser type when balancing a system.
  • Proportional balancing is extremely difficult when a mixture of diffusers are present, due to the inaccuracy of standard hoods on slot diffusers.
  • Below is a sample of diffusers tested on Dwyer’s Precision Air Calibration Station (Figure A) with a standard air flow hood followed by the Dwyer SMART Air Hood™ Balancing Instrument (Series SAH).

Figure A: Precision Air Hood Calibration Station
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Air Velocity and Flow Measurement with Pitot Tubes

Dwyer Instruments offers many styles of Pitot tubes, which are a commonly used sensor  for monitoring air velocity and flow rate in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning.

Pitot tubes are based on Bernoulli’s equation, which states an increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with an increase in dynamic pressure and a decrease in static pressure.  Pitot Tubes sense the dynamic pressure of the fluid flow at a particular point and were invented by French Engineer Henri Pitot in the early 18th century.

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Building an Organization with Top Talent

When asked about getting ahead in today’s organization, I used to tell folks that it takes hard work, dedication, and perseverance. While those tenets certainly hold some truth, individuals that work their way up in a company exhibit a number of qualities that separate themselves from others. Understanding these qualities is exceptionally important to our managers and leaders, as this will allow them to provide better development plans for personal and career improvement for their direct reports. For the company, this allows for a solid foundation in succession planning and workforce stability. Older performance measures also focused on what it means to be competent; but, failed to drive home what it means to be a role model. A role model is the ideal behavior that we all want to strive for in today’s workplace, in order to optimize overall performance. So what exactly are these qualities that allow our employees to rise to the top of today’s organization?

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Mystery Solved! Dwyer Solves the Wall Mount- Relative Humidity Error Problem

Wall mount humidity sensors for building automation system (BAS) applications are produced and sold by several different companies and have a reputation of poor accuracy despite specifications from suppliers. There is a rational reason why these instruments appear to read outside of their stated accuracy, which in turn causes users to be frustrated with the results.

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