Every day, billions of gallons of wastewater are collected from our homes, businesses, and industries. Wastewater is exactly what it sounds like: water that has already been used and disposed of via a tub, toilet, sink, or storm drains. Because it is full of contaminants that make the water no longer suitable for use, it is collected in the sewer system and delivered to plants for treatment to make the water safe to be returned to the environment. Continue reading “What is Wastewater, and How is it Treated?”
How is Water Treated for Homes?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), more than 280 million people get their drinking water from a community water system. Drinking water supplies in the United States are among the safest in the world, but even these water sources can become contaminated. Before fresh water can be considered potable, it must be treated to be made safe for drinking. Systems are set in place to ensure ongoing water quality, which then allows this treated water to be sent through water pipes and into our homes. Continue reading “How is Water Treated for Homes?”
What is Wastewater, and How is it Treated?
Every day, billions of gallons of wastewater are collected from our homes, businesses, and industries. Wastewater is exactly what it sounds like: water that has already been used and disposed of via a tub, toilet, sink, or storm drains. Because it is full of contaminants that make the water no longer suitable for use, it is collected in the sewer system and delivered to plants for treatment to make the water safe to be returned to the environment. Continue reading “What is Wastewater, and How is it Treated?”