Every day, billions of gallons of wastewater are collected from our homes, businesses, and industries. Wastewater is exactly what it sounds like: water that has already been used and disposed of via a tub, toilet, sink, or storm drains. Because it is full of contaminants that make the water no longer suitable for use, it is collected in the sewer system and delivered to plants for treatment to make the water safe to be returned to the environment. Continue reading “What is Wastewater, and How is it Treated?”
The Intricacy of Proper Instrumentation in Cleaning Produced Water
The cleaning of produced water during oil and gas production and exploration is a crucial, although costly endeavor. In the process of bringing oil and gas up to the surface from a well, several byproducts are also produced. Water is the largest of these byproducts by volume, with 882 billion gallons produced per day. This produced water contains a variety of other compounds and substances, including organic and inorganic compounds, grease, bacteria, and dissolved solids such as iron. Continue reading “The Intricacy of Proper Instrumentation in Cleaning Produced Water”
Sump Level Make-Up Water Controls in Wet Chemical Scrubbers
Maintaining efficiency in wet chemical scrubbers has become one of the most important missions of current APC facilities due to urban growth and plant expansion/modernization projects as good stewards of the community. Systems often run above the 90% efficiency mark with the help of accurate make-up water control instruments. Continue reading “Sump Level Make-Up Water Controls in Wet Chemical Scrubbers”
Product Highlight: Hi-Flow™ Control Valves

Hi-Flow™ control valves are single seated, top or cage guided globe valves – probably the simplest, from a construction standpoint, yet most versatile control valve in use. The Hi-Flow™ valve can fit applications with a smaller size valve since the valve has a greater flow capacity than most conventional valves of the same size. Coupled with a high flow capacity, the Hi-Flow™ valve maintains a wide rangeability of 50:1 to ensure precise control. Continue reading “Product Highlight: Hi-Flow™ Control Valves”
Ask the Expert – What are the differences between the products in the Flotect® switch family?
Question: I am choosing an insertion level switch to help me monitor levels in a tank. What are the main differences between the products in the Flotect® switch family? Continue reading “Ask the Expert – What are the differences between the products in the Flotect® switch family?”