What are Room Pressure and Room Status Monitors?

Differential pressure between two rooms prevents dust, particulates, and pathogens from entering or exiting one room and going into the other. Depending on the relationship between rooms, one room will be under positive pressure when referenced against the other. This positive-negative pressure relationship between two spaces is the main idea behind clean rooms and isolation rooms. To ensure the differential pressure relationship is maintained, a measuring device must be used.

Magnehelic® Gages Monitoring Isolation Room Pressure

Room pressure monitors and room status monitors measure, display, and transmit the differential pressure reading between two rooms. In general, room pressure monitors only monitor differential pressure. On the other hand, room status monitors monitor differential pressure and additional parameters such as relative humidity, temperature, air change, or door status. They are both used in critical applications that require critical low differential pressure relationships.  Continue reading “What are Room Pressure and Room Status Monitors?”

Benefits of Using Current Switches/Transformers

Motors are used for numerous industrial processes, be it moving air with a fan, pumping water with a pump, or driving a mechanical process. It is important to know when motors are not operating properly or require maintenance.

Many installations rely on a sensor or instrument used for the primary process, such as the use of a pressure transmitter to verify system pressure in a duct or the use of a flow transmitter to verify flow in a pipe. When errors or loss of pressure/flow are indicated, maintenance personnel may be dispatched to remedy the issue. However, this method does not indicate the root cause of an issue. Relying solely on primary process instrumentation opens the door to an unforeseen, possibly catastrophic situation. Continue reading “Benefits of Using Current Switches/Transformers”

Lancet Commission’s Task Force: Safe School, Safe Work, and Safe Travel

While many measures such as vaccines, boosters, more effective masking and rapid testing have been effectively implemented across the world against COVID-19, ventilation and filtration have remained insufficiently addressed. In a new report provided by the Lancet COVID-19 Commission Task Force experts have identified “four key actions that represent the most effective, fundamental steps toward promoting healthier indoor environments and reducing the risk of airborne infectious disease transmission indoor.1” The four strategies are: Continue reading “Lancet Commission’s Task Force: Safe School, Safe Work, and Safe Travel”

Dwyer Heroes Saving Lives!

Versiti Bus at Dwyer for Blood Drive
Versiti Bus at Dwyer for Blood Drive
Versiti Bus at Dwyer for Blood Drive

On August 5, Dwyer Instruments sponsored a blood drive with Versiti at our company headquarters.

The Versiti Blood Center is the blood source for the local Northwest Indiana area, including Michigan City where our headquarters is located. In addition to blood donation, Versiti is home to the “world-renowned Blood Research Institute,” where they provide research and treatment for blood disorders. Versiti has centers located in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. Continue reading “Dwyer Heroes Saving Lives!”