Adjustable Pressure Snubbers Used to Protect Instruments Against Pressure Surges in LACT Units

We recently met with a customer in Odessa, TX, who was having an abnormal amount of smart pressure transmitter failures in their LACT skids from one customer’s region.

Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) units are used for the unattended and automatic measurement of the quality and quantity of crude oil, typically from well head producers to purchaser, or from truck offloading into storage tanks. These sites are typically on production lease sites in remote areas. Continue reading “Adjustable Pressure Snubbers Used to Protect Instruments Against Pressure Surges in LACT Units”

Hospitals: The Hot-Wired Anemometers That Keep Them Running Properly

Hot-wire anemometers are often used in a hospital environment to measure and maintain room pressurization/de-pressurization. These applications require a positive pressure in operating rooms where bacteria cannot be allowed to enter, or a negative pressure in a quarantine environment to ensure that all bacteria will stay within the room. Continue reading “Hospitals: The Hot-Wired Anemometers That Keep Them Running Properly”