Protecting Newborn Puppies with Dwyer Temperature Controllers

Doberman Mother with Litter of Puppies in a Whelping Box

A whelping box is designed to protect puppies during birth, also called whelping, by keeping them safely contained, protected from the cold, and from being accidentally crushed or smothered by their mother.

Whelping boxes vary in construction, from cardboard boxes which have been found and re-purposed, to enclosures which have been designed specifically for the protection and care of the newborns. Continue reading “Protecting Newborn Puppies with Dwyer Temperature Controllers”

Ensuring HVAC System Safety for Reopening Schools & Office Buildings

The current COVID-19 pandemic spread and breadth is unprecedented. Because of this, it is important that precautions are taken when reopening schools and office buildings. The question we find ourselves asking as professionals in the HVAC trade is this:

How do you return the HVAC system back to normal operations (and continued operations) during this pandemic?  Continue reading “Ensuring HVAC System Safety for Reopening Schools & Office Buildings”

Characteristics of Thermal Anemometers & Why They’re Well-Suited for Low Flow Applications

There are two common ways to measure air velocity: by using pressure-based instrumentation or by using temperature-based instrumentation. Before we discuss the different technologies available for measuring velocity pressure, it is important to understand the basics of air velocity.

Continue reading “Characteristics of Thermal Anemometers & Why They’re Well-Suited for Low Flow Applications”

Certificates of Calibration Explained

Dwyer Instruments, Inc. offers a variety of calibration services for new or previously purchased products. In 2019, the Dwyer Instruments, Inc. – Engineering Laboratory, located in Michigan City, IN, gained accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 through the ANSI National Accreditation Board. The Dwyer lab now offers two different types of calibration certificates for our products: a certificate of NIST calibration and an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited certificate of calibration. Now that accredited calibration services are available for select Dwyer products, it is important to know the differences between these two different calibration certificates. Knowing these differences will allow you to understand which calibration certificate will best suit your needs. Continue reading “Certificates of Calibration Explained”

Decrypting Thermal Energy Meter Accuracy

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” – Leonardo da Vinci

These days, energy conservation is on everyone’s mind. From cost savings to environmental concerns, there are many well-known benefits to conserving energy. But understanding exactly how to do so can be confusing. In order to conserve energy, you must know precisely how much energy you are using.

There are many different methods and tools that can be used to measure your energy consumption, depending on your application. In this post, we will focus on thermal energy measurement and management in hydronic systems. In keeping true to Da Vinci’s quote, we will keep our explanation as simple and straightforward as possible.

Continue reading “Decrypting Thermal Energy Meter Accuracy”