Picture this: You’re driving on the highway and push your car’s speed to the limit. Suddenly, a police officer pulls up behind you. Your heart races and stomach drops. You hold your breath as your eyes quickly dash to your car’s speedometer, double-checking your speed. Luckily, you aren’t going over the speed limit. Just as the butterflies in your stomach start to settle, red and blue lights start flashing behind you. You slow the car and come to a stop. The officer tells you that you were going far faster than you thought that you were. Turns out, your speedometer is out of calibration. Now, not only are you running late, but you also owe the state a couple hundred dollars.
If your speedometer isn’t calibrated properly, you risk fines, damage to your vehicle, and endangering those around you. You may face similar consequences if your instrumentation is not calibrated at a regularly established interval. You could be subject to disciplinary action from regulatory bodies, damage to your instrument or surrounding equipment, or even harming building occupants by using equipment that is out of specification. Continue reading “The Importance of Choosing An Accredited Calibration Laboratory”