There are many methods of detecting air quality within a room and in outdoor environments. One of these methods is to measure particulates. Particulate matter can vary in size, and particles 10 micrometers and below are inhalable. ( Inhaling particulates like dust, pollen, and smoke can have serious short and long-term impacts on health. Continue reading “What is a Particulate Matter Sensor and How Does it Work?”
What is parallax error and how can I avoid it?
What is parallax error?
Parallax error is when the pointer of a device looks like it’s at a different reading when read to the side compared to when read face-on. This is caused by the distance between the scale and the pointer. Because they’re not on the same plane, readings may not appear accurate when viewed at an angle. Continue reading “What is parallax error and how can I avoid it?”
Flow Monitoring in Emergency Safety Shower and Eyewash Stations
If you work with hazardous substances in your job, one of the first things you probably learned besides “Where’s the bathroom?” and “Where is my workstation?” is the location of the emergency safety shower and eyewash station. These emergency areas are vital to keeping workplace injuries to a minimum in laboratories and other hazardous areas. Continue reading “Flow Monitoring in Emergency Safety Shower and Eyewash Stations”
Thanks for Visiting Us at AHR Expo!
The 2022 AHR Expo is over, and the Dwyer team has settled back into our normal day-to-day. For those of us in the Midwest, we were greeted with a few feet of snow when our planes landed back home. It was a big shift from the clear skies of Vegas! Continue reading “Thanks for Visiting Us at AHR Expo!”
Join us at AHR Expo!
It’s the end of January and… AHR Expo is here! We’re excited to share our new products and technologies with you at the show next week.
This year at AHR, we will be focusing on our indoor air quality solutions. Indoor air quality is an important part of our everyday lives. Did you know, on average, people spend 90% of their time indoors? From carbon dioxide to humidity, several factors impact the quality of the air we breathe. Continue reading “Join us at AHR Expo!”