Downdraft Table Applications

Downdraft Table Application

There are many manufacturing processes that require human operators to perform tasks, which can create hazardous levels of particulate, fumes, gases, vapors, and mists. A few of these processes include: welding, sanding, grinding, brazing, laser cutting, tempering, and quenching. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has regulatory requirements to reduce worker’s exposure to these hazards, which can cause respiratory and other health issues. Downdraft tables are workstations designed to better protect the operators who perform these tasks, in a bench top setting, by removing the hazardous material that laden the air from the worker’s breathing zone. Continue reading “Downdraft Table Applications”

What are Room Pressure and Room Status Monitors?

Differential pressure between two rooms prevents dust, particulates, and pathogens from entering or exiting one room and going into the other. Depending on the relationship between rooms, one room will be under positive pressure when referenced against the other. This positive-negative pressure relationship between two spaces is the main idea behind clean rooms and isolation rooms. To ensure the differential pressure relationship is maintained, a measuring device must be used.

Magnehelic® Gages Monitoring Isolation Room Pressure

Room pressure monitors and room status monitors measure, display, and transmit the differential pressure reading between two rooms. In general, room pressure monitors only monitor differential pressure. On the other hand, room status monitors monitor differential pressure and additional parameters such as relative humidity, temperature, air change, or door status. They are both used in critical applications that require critical low differential pressure relationships.  Continue reading “What are Room Pressure and Room Status Monitors?”

Keeping it Green: Monitoring CO2 Levels in Greenhouses

Plants thrive on CO2 for growth while producing oxygen.  One thing that many people do not know is that the optimal concentration for plant growth is over three times the atmospheric CO2 concentration today.1 This being the case, indoor gardens would be remiss if they didn’t attempt to elevate the CO2 levels in their environments to the ideal concentration. The most common way to increase the CO2 concentration is to use a propane burner to create CO2. The problem with having a propane burner in an enclosed space is that you need to know when to turn the burner on and off, as CO2 levels that rise above 1500 ppm are actually harmful to plants. Continue reading “Keeping it Green: Monitoring CO2 Levels in Greenhouses”

Level Detection of Powder & Bulk Solids

Level detection applications are one of the most interesting things we do at Dwyer as there are so many types of switch technologies. Even just for powder and bulk level detection, there are many ways to sense the level. Dwyer offers several different technologies for powder and bulk solids point level detection. These include: diaphragmpaddletiltcapacitive, and vibration. So if you’re wondering how to determine which technology is best for your application, here is a simple guide to help you select the proper technology. Continue reading “Level Detection of Powder & Bulk Solids”

Importance of Sensor Stability in Educational Facilities

Educational facilities, or public and private institutions devoted to teaching students, differ in physical size and level of education programs. These institutions can range from preschool to university levels, all of which need proper heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems and indoor air quality.

While indoor air quality (IAQ) is important for everyone’s health, it is especially important for young children that are still developing their lungs. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Science Advisory Board has completed multiple school studies that show indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to public health.  Continue reading “Importance of Sensor Stability in Educational Facilities”