Brought to you by the W.E. Anderson division of Dwyer Instruments, the Series WE20 is a highly configurable line of butterfly valves designed to meet all of your specific demands. Our butterfly valves can be configured for manual operation, or for use with electric or pneumatic actuators. Continue reading “Butterfly Valves – Configurable to Meet Your Demands”
Calibration Service Tiers
High quality, well-functioning test equipment is an important part of any balancer’s toolbox. As a balancer, your customers rely on you to keep their buildings comfortable, to help them meet federal building regulations, and to help them save energy and money. Your customers expect you to provide accurate readings, and in order to do so, you need to use reliable, calibrated test equipment. By regularly calibrating your equipment, you will be able to provide your customers with the excellent service they expect. Continue reading “Calibration Service Tiers”
Dwyer Digital Manometer Used to Size Radon Mitigation Fans
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that comes from the decay of Uranium. It is often found in the rock and soil upon which many residential and commercial buildings are built. Continue reading “Dwyer Digital Manometer Used to Size Radon Mitigation Fans”
Which Flow Sensing Technology is Best for Your Application?
Selecting the correct flowmeter can be a challenging task, and the variety of flow technology options can make the decision even more difficult. By keeping the benefits and drawbacks of each type in mind, you will be able rest easy knowing you’ve made the best choice for your application.
Continue reading “Which Flow Sensing Technology is Best for Your Application?”
Why Choose the Original Equipment Manufacturer for Calibration Services?
You’re probably familiar with OEM products. But what about OEM calibration services?
OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer and describes companies that make devices from component parts. Some OEMs also offer calibration services that are specific to the product you purchased from them. For many types of test equipment, annual calibration is necessary to ensure the measured values meet the original specifications. Sending your equipment back to the original manufacturer ensures the highest-quality calibration, giving you the confidence needed to effectively measure and test in your business. Continue reading “Why Choose the Original Equipment Manufacturer for Calibration Services?”