Pressure Measurement’s Role in Corn Husking

corn being harvested in field

corn in fieldCorn processing is a major industry in the United States – a CORNerstone, if you will, of the United States’ agricultural sector.

All joking aside, the United States is the largest producer of corn globally, and corn is a cash crop that is processed into a wide range of products we use every day – including being processed for the food and beverage industry, as livestock feed, and in ethanol production. Continue reading “Pressure Measurement’s Role in Corn Husking”

Air Pressure Solutions for Seeding/Planting Machines

Since the 1950’s, the pneumatic air seeder/planter has been used as the most efficient, reliable, and cost-effective method of planting a variety of seeds. Moreover, having accurate and dependable controls are a key component to running the correct vacuum pressure for these seeding machines. Here’s how it works: using a high capacity fan, a vacuum is created in the central distribution chamber. The seeds and/or fertilizer are then pulled behind the grain drill in a separate cart. The vacuum carries the seed through tubes located under the hoppers. Seed and fertilizer are then carried in the vacuum air stream to row openers on the drill and then into the soil. Continue reading “Air Pressure Solutions for Seeding/Planting Machines”

How Pressurized Stairwells Keep You Safe

Picture this: You wake up with a start to the sound of crackling flames and the screech of an alarm. A nearby apartment room has caught fire, and you need to get out before it spreads to the rest of the building. You go through the motions; grab the keys, check the door knob, keep low to the ground. You head to the stairs and make your way outside to safety. 

Continue reading “How Pressurized Stairwells Keep You Safe”

Time-Tested Innovation | From Apollo 11 to COVID-19 Isolation Rooms

Magnehelic® Gages Monitoring Isolation Room Pressure

If you’ve been watching the news lately, you may have heard about isolation room facilities that are going up at a record pace. We’ve explained in our other blog articles some of the ways that our products are being used to fight COVID-19.

This fight isn’t the first time our products have been used in applications that help save lives, and it won’t be the last. Dwyer products are used across the world by people who produce food, clean water, and ensure the quality of life of those around them. They’re seen at core turning points in the history of both the United States and abroad. Continue reading “Time-Tested Innovation | From Apollo 11 to COVID-19 Isolation Rooms”