Reducing Lead in Animal Watering Systems
One of the most harmful and common substances to greatly affect people’s health is lead. Lead is a carcinogen which can be found in some percentage of most everyday materials. Varying forms of lead exposure can come from paint in older homes, dust, soil, and drinking water. To avoid health risk, individuals should take precautions to reduce or eliminate the possibilities of exposure. Ensuring and minimizing livestock and poultry exposure to lead contaminants helps to reduce human exposure via the food supply. Continue reading “Reducing Lead in Animal Watering Systems”
Ask the Expert – Measuring Wastewater Level with a PBLT2 Submersible Level Transmitter
Question: I have had difficulty reliably measuring the level in lift stations and was wondering what you have for such an application? Continue reading “Ask the Expert – Measuring Wastewater Level with a PBLT2 Submersible Level Transmitter”
Ask the Expert – Sensing Liquid Flow with DS Flow Sensor
Question: Can the standard Series 160 Pitot Tubes be used to sense liquid flow as well as gas flow? Continue reading “Ask the Expert – Sensing Liquid Flow with DS Flow Sensor”
Leachate, A Growing Market for Level Control
For decades, the municipal Water and Wastewater Market has been a focal point for many product lines associated with the Mercoid brand. With Dwyer’s ever expanding product lines we have been able to offer a diverse array of instruments to monitor and control pressure, level, flow, humidity, and data logging. A growing application with similar demands is landfill leachate pumping, where Mercoid has been able to successfully implement several products.
Continue reading “Leachate, A Growing Market for Level Control”