What to Consider When Selecting a Humidity Transmitter

Proper selection and use of relative humidity (RH) sensors are important factors in designing and building a reliable, economical HVAC system. Over the years humidity control has been getting even greater attention because of its positive impact on indoor air quality (IAQ).

The importance of humidity measurement and control can mean different things depending on the application. To the museum curator, it means preserving valuable artwork and artifacts. To the hospital facilities engineer, it means a comfortable environment for the patients, as well as maintaining accurate moisture control to prevent the spread of bacteria and infection. And to the building maintenance professional, it means a reliable building automation system that reduces energy costs while increasing the comfort of its occupants. Continue reading “What to Consider When Selecting a Humidity Transmitter”

Decrypting Thermal Energy Meter Accuracy

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” – Leonardo da Vinci

These days, energy conservation is on everyone’s mind. From cost savings to environmental concerns, there are many well-known benefits to conserving energy. But understanding exactly how to do so can be confusing. In order to conserve energy, you must know precisely how much energy you are using.

There are many different methods and tools that can be used to measure your energy consumption, depending on your application. In this post, we will focus on thermal energy measurement and management in hydronic systems. In keeping true to Da Vinci’s quote, we will keep our explanation as simple and straightforward as possible.

Continue reading “Decrypting Thermal Energy Meter Accuracy”

Time-Tested Innovation | From Apollo 11 to COVID-19 Isolation Rooms

Magnehelic® Gages Monitoring Isolation Room Pressure

If you’ve been watching the news lately, you may have heard about isolation room facilities that are going up at a record pace. We’ve explained in our other blog articles some of the ways that our products are being used to fight COVID-19.

This fight isn’t the first time our products have been used in applications that help save lives, and it won’t be the last. Dwyer products are used across the world by people who produce food, clean water, and ensure the quality of life of those around them. They’re seen at core turning points in the history of both the United States and abroad. Continue reading “Time-Tested Innovation | From Apollo 11 to COVID-19 Isolation Rooms”

Dwyer vs COVID-19 | Monitoring Air Flow & Pressure in Hospitals

Dwyer is committed to aiding in the fight against COVID-19. We have several products that are used in hospitals and the production of ventilators. Ventilators are used to aid COVID-19 patients who have low oxygen levels, support their breathing, and bring oxygen levels to a safe range.

Isolation Room Application

In addition, isolation rooms need to remain at specific pressures and air cycles, so as to not risk exposure of airborne contagions to other patients or healthcare professionals during treatment. Today we’ll be discussing some of the products that Dwyer manufactures that are used in these applications. Continue reading “Dwyer vs COVID-19 | Monitoring Air Flow & Pressure in Hospitals”

Gas Mass Measurement

Energy costs are rising around the world. In the United States, the cost of electricity, natural gas, and coal are all expected to increase in 2020.[1] As oil prices increase, energy costs are rising in Britain, and in Australia, the cost of electricity has skyrocketed.[2] It will become increasingly necessary to manage costs by maintaining efficient operation of energy systems as energy prices continue to rise.

Steam is a common byproduct of energy generation in boiler systems. When energy is generated in a boiler system, heat energy is transferred to water, which generates steam used for heating. Measuring the steam produced by a boiler is the most logical way to measure boiler output, but it is extremely difficult to measure steam output accurately.[3] In a world where energy costs are only expected to increase, it is imperative that boiler output be measured accurately in order to conserve both money and energy. Continue reading “Gas Mass Measurement”