Understanding Ventilation Efficiency and DCV in Parking Structures and Garages

When it comes to capturing energy savings, owners, contractors, and engineers will utilize several design efforts to reduce a building’s total energy consumption and carbon footprint. The first area that design engineers typically tackle is the lighting design of the building (using things such as building orientation to maximize natural light or low energy consuming LED lights), but another large consumer of energy in a building is the ventilation system used for garage parking. Continue reading “Understanding Ventilation Efficiency and DCV in Parking Structures and Garages”

Proving Water Flow in Rooftop Air Handlers

We met with an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) last year, who was working on a new design for rooftop air handling equipment. Part of the their design utilized water flow for cooling in a loop.

Low or no-flow conditions can cause major damage to expensive pumps, motors, and other equipment, which could result in extensive downtime and repair costs. In order to prevent this, the customer needed an inexpensive, but reliable and robust method for proving water flow. Continue reading “Proving Water Flow in Rooftop Air Handlers”

The Key to Energy Efficiency

“In the real estate industry you always hear this phrase, ‘Location, location, location.’ I think for energy management systems the key is ‘Execution, execution, execution.'”[1]

— Sara Lisauskas, Energy Management Systems: Maximizing Energy Savings

What comes to mind when you think of the phrase “energy efficient?” Perhaps you think of LED light bulbs, electric cars, Energy Star appliances, or LEED-certified buildings. But energy efficiency isn’t limited to “green” products or certifications. Continue reading “The Key to Energy Efficiency”