Understanding Air Velocity Sensors

Stainless Steel Pitot Tube, Series 160

Dwyer Instruments, Inc. offers a multitude of sensors for monitoring air velocity in HVAC systems. Some of this instrumentation has a simple construction (Pitot tubes, for example) while others are more complex, such as hot-wire anemometers.

The initial term and first “hot-wire anemometer” was developed back in 1914 by Louie Vesso King. He is also accredited for King’s Law, which mathematically describes heat transfer in air flows using a heated wire. As the air moves over the wire, it causes a loss of temperature in the wire and removes some of the wire’s heat energy. Continue reading “Understanding Air Velocity Sensors”

Thermistor Temperature Sensors

Thermistor Temperature Sensors

Dwyer Instruments, Inc. manufactures and offers many temperature measuring products that use a thermistor as the sensing element.

Thermistors are based on the principal that the electrical resistance of semiconductor materials is a function of the temperature. Thermistors work well over smaller temperature ranges with better accuracy than  (RTD) but are very non-linear. They also generally offer better response times. Thermistors have much higher resistance values than RTDs, with ranges typically ranging from 100 ohms to 100 megaohms.

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The Importance of Regulatory Compliance in a Manufacturing Setting

There are numerous factors that lead to regulatory compliance, including: reputation, image, ethics, competition, and survival. Regulatory is often looked at as the “show-stopper” or obstacle in many manufacturing processes. While regulatory may sometimes be perceived as negative, it can also be the main key to a company’s success. Continue reading “The Importance of Regulatory Compliance in a Manufacturing Setting”

The Intricacy of Proper Instrumentation in Cleaning Produced Water

The cleaning of produced water during oil and gas production and exploration is a crucial, although costly endeavor. In the process of bringing oil and gas up to the surface from a well, several byproducts are also produced. Water is the largest of these byproducts by volume, with 882 billion gallons produced per day. This produced water contains a variety of other compounds and substances, including organic and inorganic compounds, grease, bacteria, and dissolved solids such as iron. Continue reading “The Intricacy of Proper Instrumentation in Cleaning Produced Water”