Ventilation can sometimes challenge even the best poultry growers. However, it is necessary to maintain both air quality and litter (a mixture of poultry excreta, spilled feed, feathers, and material used as bedding) conditions. Dwyer offers the latest sensor and control technology to help maintain proper environments. By choosing reliable, repeatable, and sustainable solutions, it’s possible to prevent and plan for potential unwanted and detrimental factors that can affect bird health and growth. Moisture (relative humidity / RH), carbon dioxide (CO2), and carbon monoxide (CO) are three major issues most growers will face in the broiler house coming out of the winter season and daily practices throughout the grow process. Continue reading “Environmental Sensors & Controls for Poultry Houses”
Rock & Roll with Belt Conveyor System Solutions
With one huge scoop, you grab the rock and stone in front of you, collecting it in the bucket of your front-end loader. You move forward, ready to dump the material into the load chute of the conveyor. Someone gives a shout, arms waving and signaling you to stop: “Hold up! We’ve got a jam.” The belt conveyor is down again for maintenance, and you’ve got some time on your hands; this could mean several hours of downtime for the team.
Hauling components is an important part of the production processes of varying industries including concrete, chemical, mining, wastewater treatment, and more. Within these bulk handling operations, belt conveyors are an economical way to transport materials of varying sizes. Continue reading “Rock & Roll with Belt Conveyor System Solutions”
Monitor CO2 in Schools with the CDT-S Transmitters!

Dwyer recently released its new -S option for the Series CDT carbon dioxide and temperature transmitters. Built upon Dwyer’s standard carbon dioxide transmitter, the -S option has a front-facing LED that illuminates when the CO2 level exceeds 1,100 PPM.
This new feature addresses concerns raised by legislation, including California Assembly Bill 841 and Nevada Assembly Bill 257. California’s Assembly Bill 841 was signed into law in 2020, while Nevada’s Assembly Bill 257 was approved in 2021. These bills proposed several provisions governing indoor air quality in the public school system, including that each classroom will be equipped with a carbon dioxide monitor that: Continue reading “Monitor CO2 in Schools with the CDT-S Transmitters!”
Thanks for Visiting Us at AHR Expo!
Today is the last day of AHR Expo, and the show is beginning to settle down as we all head back to our normal day-to-day. We hope that all of our teammates, partners, customers, and acquaintances have safe travels wherever you are headed to. Continue reading “Thanks for Visiting Us at AHR Expo!”
Air Pressure Solutions for Seeding/Planting Machines
Since the 1950’s, the pneumatic air seeder/planter has been used as the most efficient, reliable, and cost-effective method of planting a variety of seeds. Moreover, having accurate and dependable controls are a key component to running the correct vacuum pressure for these seeding machines. Here’s how it works: using a high capacity fan, a vacuum is created in the central distribution chamber. The seeds and/or fertilizer are then pulled behind the grain drill in a separate cart. The vacuum carries the seed through tubes located under the hoppers. Seed and fertilizer are then carried in the vacuum air stream to row openers on the drill and then into the soil. Continue reading “Air Pressure Solutions for Seeding/Planting Machines”