Department of Energy’s “Renew America’s Schools” Grant Program

Labeled a “first of its kind investment” by the Department of Energy, a funding opportunity for public K-12 school facilities was approved November 26th, 2022. Its name? The Renew America’s Schools Grant.

The first round of these grants will account for $80 million dollars (and the full grant program estimated to total around $500 million dollars) will be allotted for energy improvements that result in direct reduction to school energy costs, increased energy efficiency, and lead to improvements in teacher and student health.  Continue reading “Department of Energy’s “Renew America’s Schools” Grant Program”

Temperature and Relative Humidity in Greenhouses and Cannabis Production

There’s a saying: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and this is no different with your sensors and controls of the greenhouse/indoor farming equipment that you use and rely upon everyday. Similar to any controlled environment, it is vital to monitor and proactively interpret the pressure, temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2) supplementation, and irrigation of your growing space. Losing control of your environment can lead to cultivation headaches ranging from poor air flow to extreme temperatures; additionally, high humidity and low irrigation rates can lead to the spread of disease and viruses.  Continue reading “Temperature and Relative Humidity in Greenhouses and Cannabis Production”

Get Your Kicks with a Yellow Card

Let’s spill the penal-tea: Yellow cards are traditionally not part of a goal-oriented team, but the UL Solutions’ Plastics Recognition Program Yellow Cards are a forward thinking solution to promote the safety and quality of your plastic products within the HVAC Industry.

Puns aside, the UL Solutions Yellow Card is a globally recognized, third party guarantee that your polymeric materials meet both regulatory and safety standards. Traditionally the UL Yellow Card is used by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to meet performance expectations of regulatory bodies and sometimes used as a low-maintenance marketing tool. Continue reading “Get Your Kicks with a Yellow Card”