How to Program a Switch for Manual Reset

Compact Low Differential Pressure Switch with Manual Reset, Series 1900MR

Several applications require manual reset switches, which are switches that need to be physically reset by an individual for a process to continue or restart. A manual reset is often needed when an area has to be inspected prior to equipment restart. This can help to ensure the safety/inspection of both equipment and other individuals in the area.

Some switches have a mechanical manual reset (such as the Dwyer Series 1900, 1831, and 1800). However, there may be a need to have a manual reset for applications beyond what these switches are designed for. If a pump is allowed to run with a clogged filter, for example, this may severely damage the pump. Continue reading “How to Program a Switch for Manual Reset”

Ask the Expert: What is a data logging USB, and how do I use it?

What is a data logging USB?

A data logger is a tool used to record a variety of parameters, which can include, temperature, humidity, dew point, current, voltage, and carbon monoxide. The logger is used in the field to record data, then brought back to a computer to collect/graph what was collected. These data loggers are ideal for applications such as: calibration labs, environmental chambers, pharmaceutical plants, and storage warehouses. Continue reading “Ask the Expert: What is a data logging USB, and how do I use it?”

Ask the Expert: Dwyer Applications Engineers

Dwyer strives to be the trusted leader in manufacturing innovative instrumentation solutions for the worldwide HVAC and process automation markets. Providing friendly, timely, and accurate technical service/support is just one way in which we accomplish this mission. It is a source of pride for the whole Dwyer team, and we’re happy to be able to assist our customers with their product application requirements. Continue reading “Ask the Expert: Dwyer Applications Engineers”

Ask the Expert: Series TSW Weatherproof Digital Temperature Switch Walk-through

Weatherproof Digital Temperature Switch, Series TSW

The Digital Temperature Switch, Series TSW, combines the trusted, reliable TS family of temperature controls with an installation friendly weatherproof enclosure. Units come standard with an easy-to-read LED display that will indicate the current output status and temperature measurement. The TSW is ideal for applications such as: chillers, walk-in coolers, wood boilers, and brewing systems. Continue reading “Ask the Expert: Series TSW Weatherproof Digital Temperature Switch Walk-through”